Homeless John


Totally not mad at this guy. Just a guy doing guy shit. Fuck it why not right? What did you think that just because this dude is homeless that makes him any different ? No sir. Do you even think that this is the worst decision this guy has ever made? Please, it probably doesn’t even crack his top 50 of horrible life altering mistakes. I always wondered what bums did with all that cash from peddling. I always thought that it went to crack or meth. Never crossed my mind they would be looking for toothless blow jobs.

Never mind the fact that he hasn’t eaten in a couple days. Forget about not having bathed in a few weeks and wearing the same clothes for a month. All that shit pales in comparison to getting a piece of ass. Guy was on a serious mission and nothing was going to stop him. Proof again that once a guy gets pussy on his mind thoughts get foggy and all logic goes out the fucking window.

Mugshots PLEASE!


What the fuck phllly.com? Seriously? You just blew it big time! You have a great story here. EVERYONE loves a great hooker – John bust. You guys left out the absolute best part. Where the fuck are the mug shots? You can’t publish a story like this with out posting all 34 of these faces. Thats gotta be Journalism 101 right? It’s all about selling papers and getting clicks. Mug shots sell. If I see mugshots in a story I’m clicking on it. No matter what. Can you imagine a teacher -student sex story with no mug shot? Wouldn’t happen. When Kiddie Porn creeps get busted in DELCO there are always mug shots in the story. Seems pretty cut and dry here. No excuse for this laziness. They had a softball tossed their way and whiffed on it. Moral of the story here is that a picture is worth a thousand words and seeing these dudes’ sad mugs adds tons of value. Gotta see the pic to get the full effect of the desperation, despair, embarrassment, loss of dignity, and utter shame these Johns went through. Thanks for ruining that for us phillly.com. Get it right next time!