Homeless John


Totally not mad at this guy. Just a guy doing guy shit. Fuck it why not right? What did you think that just because this dude is homeless that makes him any different ? No sir. Do you even think that this is the worst decision this guy has ever made? Please, it probably doesn’t even crack his top 50 of horrible life altering mistakes. I always wondered what bums did with all that cash from peddling. I always thought that it went to crack or meth. Never crossed my mind they would be looking for toothless blow jobs.

Never mind the fact that he hasn’t eaten in a couple days. Forget about not having bathed in a few weeks and wearing the same clothes for a month. All that shit pales in comparison to getting a piece of ass. Guy was on a serious mission and nothing was going to stop him. Proof again that once a guy gets pussy on his mind thoughts get foggy and all logic goes out the fucking window.